Seahawks CB Richard Sherman vs. Bears WR Brandon Marshall: Sherman, who is facing a four-game suspension for reportedly violating the league's policy on performance enhancing drugs, will play in this one. He is the best corner in the league this season, so that's big for Seattle. Expect him to spend a lot of time in man coverage on Marshall. I love these kinds of one-on-one battles. Both are physical players, which will make it fun.

Redskins NT Barry Cofield vs. Giants C David Baas: Cofield has really come on in the past month and he might be playing as well as any nose in the league. If the Giants are going to run the ball, Baas has to get movement on him. If not, the Giants could have problems getting push.

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Buccaneers WR Vincent Jackson vs. Broncos CB Champ Bailey: There is nothing better than watching Bailey locked up in man coverage with the other team's best receiver. He has been doing it for years. Jackson is averaging over 20 yards per catch, so you know he will challenge down the field. Bailey is still top notch in man coverage, so look for a lot of action between these two.

Rams DE Chris Long vs. 49ers RT Anthony Davis: Long is a relentless pass rusher who seems to get his sacks in bunches. Davis is one of the most improved lineman in the league. He is a road grader in the run game, but he has improved in pass protection as well. He has to keep Long off of Colin Kaepernick.

Ravens OLB Terrell Suggs vs. Steelers LT Max Starks: Suggs is slowly working back to being close to 100 percent. He doesn't have the explosive speed just yet, but it's getting there. Starks is a huge man who can sometimes struggle with speed off the edge. If Suggs gets it going, look out.

Chargers G Louis Vasquez vs. Bengals DT Geno Atkins: If you are to have any offensive success against the Bengals, you have to block Atkins. The problem is that he is the NFL's best defensive tackle. Vasquez will have his hands full.

Dolphins DE Cameron Wake vs. Patriots LT Nate Solder: Solder has had problems at times this season, but he has played better lately. You can't have that against Wake. He will eat you alive. Wake is one of the league's best pass rushers, so the Patriots have to keep him off Tom Brady

Seahawks LT Russell Okung vs. Bears DE Julius Peppers: Okung has made big improvements this season and is on his way to being a top left tackle. But Peppers is a tough battle for any young tackle. He is strong and quick. Peppers will be a key to keeping Russell Wilson in the pocket.

Lions WR Calvin Johnson vs. Colts CB Vontae Davis: Davis is coming off a knee injury that has kept him out for a couple of weeks. You know Johnson will test him down the field. He tests everybody and especially a dinged-up corner who loves to take chances.