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How long will EJ Manuel be out? YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD AS OURS. No, seriously. No one knows and Doug Marrone isn't offering up a whole lot of information about it.

Still, on this podcast episode, Ryan and I try to break down what Marrone might mean by "day to day" after the preseason and Manuel's procedure before the regular season begins. We also guess when he might come back and whether Kevin Kolb and Jeff Tuel can keep the ship afloat.

In the meantime, we also talk about Tim Tebow's negative-one passing yards and Tom Brady being angry and throwing the ball over the place against the Buccaners.

Will Josh Freeman hang around Tampa Bay? We have that answer too!

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Neither of us are high on Mike Wallace with the Dolphins but we still try and figure out what kind of statline he'll finish with this season. (Hint: it's not really huge.)

There's also chatter about Robert Griffin III coming back and we remember Mike Shanahan giving up on 2012.

Also Eddie Lacy doing work for the Packers, the great Broncos-Seahawks tilt and much, much more.

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