Player Stats - Scoring

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Minutes Per Game
Points Per Game
Field Goals Made
Field Goals Attempted
Field Goal Percentage
Three-Point Field Goals Made
Three-Point Field Goals Attempted
Three-Point Field Goal Percentage
Free Throws Made
Free Throws Attempted
Free Throw Percentage
A. Diedhiou F AD Diedhiou F 29 14 17 2.6 31 81 38.3 0 0 12 36 33.3
E. Litolff F Edwin Litolff F 3 0 7.7 0.7 1 5 20.0 0 1 0.0 0 0
A. Tew G Ajay Tew G 3 0 4 2.3 3 9 33.3 1 4 25.0 0 0
P. McCraney G P.D. McCraney G 13 0 8.5 2.1 9 23 39.1 2 4 50.0 7 8 87.5
J. Ngopot F Jerry Ngopot F 30 16 20 6.2 84 156 53.8 1 7 14.3 17 33 51.5
K. Williams G Kelton Williams G 6 0 9.2 1.7 3 14 21.4 1 8 12.5 3 4 75.0
D. Hancock G Devon Hancock G 6 6 16 3.5 7 23 30.4 3 14 21.4 4 7 57.1
M. Willis F Makai Willis F 29 7 16.3 6.2 60 143 42.0 3 19 15.8 56 74 75.7
J. Wilson G Jacob Wilson G 30 2 16.5 5.2 58 131 44.3 12 45 26.7 28 46 60.9
J. Bolden G Jalen Bolden G 30 24 23.8 7.7 83 197 42.1 11 47 23.4 54 76 71.1
T. Watson G Tyreese Watson G 30 6 22 9.2 94 230 40.9 16 57 28.1 71 105 67.6
S. Gallion G Savion Gallion G 30 24 20 8.3 84 173 48.6 28 70 40.0 53 68 77.9
N. Metskhvarishvili F Nika Metskhvarishvili F 28 23 28.6 12.3 130 306 42.5 26 101 25.7 59 87 67.8
T. Locure G Tyreke Locure G 30 28 29.2 11.1 104 297 35.0 48 136 35.3 78 121 64.5
Team 30 69.9 751 1788 42.0 152 513 29.6 442 665 66.5
Opponents 30 74.4 747 1718 43.5 273 776 35.2 466 632 73.7

Player Stats - Defense

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Offensive Rebounds
Defensive Rebounds
Total Rebounds
Rebounds Per Game
Total Steals
Steals Per Game
Total Blocks
Blocks Per Game
N. Metskhvarishvili F Nika Metskhvarishvili F 28 23 67 96 163 5.8 28 1.00 16 0.60
J. Bolden G Jalen Bolden G 30 24 51 120 171 5.7 25 0.80 6 0.20
J. Ngopot F Jerry Ngopot F 30 16 60 72 132 4.4 15 0.50 10 0.30
T. Locure G Tyreke Locure G 30 28 19 101 120 4.0 58 1.90 2 0.10
M. Willis F Makai Willis F 29 7 31 77 108 3.7 3 0.10 8 0.30
A. Diedhiou F AD Diedhiou F 29 14 50 55 105 3.6 14 0.50 13 0.40
T. Watson G Tyreese Watson G 30 6 20 55 75 2.5 27 0.90 2 0.10
S. Gallion G Savion Gallion G 30 24 10 65 75 2.5 25 0.80 1 0.00
D. Hancock G Devon Hancock G 6 6 1 7 8 1.3 4 0.70 1 0.20
J. Wilson G Jacob Wilson G 30 2 12 23 35 1.2 13 0.40 3 0.10
K. Williams G Kelton Williams G 6 0 1 6 7 1.2 2 0.30 2 0.30
P. McCraney G P.D. McCraney G 13 0 3 13 16 1.2 2 0.20 2 0.20
A. Tew G Ajay Tew G 3 0 3 0 3 1.0 2 0.70 0 0.00
E. Litolff F Edwin Litolff F 3 0 1 2 3 1.0 1 0.30 0 0.00
Team 30 396 737 1245 41.5 219 7.30 66 2.20
Opponents 30 306 741 1126 37.5 208 6.90 112 3.70

Player Stats - Assists/Turnovers

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Total Assists
Assists Per Game
Turnovers Per Game
Assists Per Turnover
T. Locure G Tyreke Locure G 30 28 95 3.2 60 2.0 1.6
N. Metskhvarishvili F Nika Metskhvarishvili F 28 23 55 2.0 70 2.5 0.8
J. Wilson G Jacob Wilson G 30 2 48 1.6 30 1.0 1.6
D. Hancock G Devon Hancock G 6 6 9 1.5 4 0.7 2.3
S. Gallion G Savion Gallion G 30 24 41 1.4 36 1.2 1.1
P. McCraney G P.D. McCraney G 13 0 15 1.2 12 0.9 1.3
T. Watson G Tyreese Watson G 30 6 33 1.1 31 1.0 1.1
J. Bolden G Jalen Bolden G 30 24 31 1.0 41 1.4 0.8
A. Diedhiou F AD Diedhiou F 29 14 23 0.8 19 0.7 1.2
M. Willis F Makai Willis F 29 7 15 0.5 29 1.0 0.5
K. Williams G Kelton Williams G 6 0 3 0.5 3 0.5 1.0
J. Ngopot F Jerry Ngopot F 30 16 12 0.4 15 0.5 0.8
A. Tew G Ajay Tew G 3 0 1 0.3 2 0.7 0.5
E. Litolff F Edwin Litolff F 3 0 0 0.0 1 0.3 0.0
Team 30 381 12.7 375 12.5 1.0
Opponents 30 439 14.6 369 12.3 1.2
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