So much for the rivalry. (Getty Images)

To be filed under "Things which seemed inconceivable under any circumstance 18 years ago," from ESPN: 

Hakeem Olajuwon, one of the greatest players in NBA history and the architect of the legendary "Dream Shake" post move, will spend several days next week training some of [the New York Knicks'] players at the team's practice facility in Greenburgh, N.Y.

Olajuwon, who will fly from his home in Texas, said he expects to work out with Amare' Stoudemire , Carmelo Anthony, Tyson Chandler and Marcus Camby.

via Hakeem Olajuwon to visit New York Knicks, train Amare Stoudemire, Carmelo Anthony - ESPN New York.

Olajuwon trounced the Knicks in the 1994 Finals, an epic seven-game series that capped Olajuwon's best singular postseason. So to watch him training the big bad Knicks has to be more than a little weird for the Rockets franchise and its fans. 

Almost all of the talk about Olajuwon's training with players like LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, and Dwight Howard has been about offense, but defensively, there are some things he can show the Knicks' frontcourt players. But it's his footwork and agility offensively that he'll likely spend the most time working on.

It'll be interesting to see what Chandler, whose game is very different from Olajuwon's (operating off-ball in the pick and roll, not a lot of post game to speak of), will gain from the tutelage. Also, I will pay so incredibly much money to see Steve Novak defending Olajuwon, even at this age.  

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Knicks training camp starts Oct. 2nd.