Lot of expectations being put on Robert Griffin III this year. (Getty Images)

Redskins rookie quarterback Robert Griffin III is a really good football player. But he might not be quite as good as his teammate Josh Morgan thinks.

Morgan, speaking to D.C.'s "On Tap" recently, said that RG3 is an amalgamation of three NFL superstar quarterbacks. You know, basically like a perfect football-playing cyborg.

"He’s as fast as Michael Vick but he can make all the throws that Peyton Manning can make and he can make all the reads Tom Brady can make," Morgan said. "He’s got the whole package."

See, what Morgan is doing here is really nice. He's throwing his rookie quarterback some love. He's not the first to do it, and he won't be the last, but saying that Griffin has all the best qualities of three of the NFL's best quarterbacks before the season's even started is probably a bit aggressive.

It draws attention (clearly) and it puts unnecessary expectations on a rookie quarterback. Not helping matters is that rookie quarterback making his first start in New Orleans -- even if all the attention this year is on the Saints, plenty of people will be watching to see whether or not RG3 can justify the hype once the regular season begins.

Morgan's only cranking up that hype, and there's a pretty good chance that at some point leading up to Sunday's kickoff against the Saints, Mike Shanahan will remind the wideout that he needs to work on his own game rather than spending a ton of time talking up the rook in the media and giving opposing defenses billboard material.

Especially when said material is preposterously hyperbolic. Of course, that doesn't make it any less worth a Frankenstein-ian photoshop from CBSSports.com's Ryan Wilson:

What would happen if Morgan was right. (CBSSports.com)

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