You want presents from Carson Palmer? You better be prepared to dress up like an idiot and put your picture you on the Internet.

Palmer, according to Cardinals kicker Jay Feely, forced his linemen to wear outfits that he hand-picked for them in order to receive their presents from the quarterback.

This is not, of course, how giving presents actually happens. However, we'll make an exception for a grown-up onesie that -- if my eyes don't deceive me -- feature two reindeer making sweet, sweet love.

Nope, I don't believe they deceive me. Daryn Colledge got a nice little sweater as well, but he wasn't scared to put it on Twitter himself:

Look, usually you'd just, hello, give gifts. It's not really in the holiday season to extort people into receiving their presents.

But it stands to reason that Palmer's probably hooking these guys up with something nice. And considering the photographic results, it's well worth it.