Here are some news and notes from around the Arizona Cardinals ...

Who's next?: With the coaching search reportedly centered around three candidates -- former Philadelphia coach Andy Reid, Arizona defensive coordinator Ray Horton and Denver offensive coordinator Mike McCoy -- the Cardinals media relations staff refuted reports that Reid had already been tabbed, Kent Somers of the Arizona Republic reported.

Who follows the Graves train: Coach Ken Whisenhunt wasn't the only pivotal figure let go by the Cardinals on Black Monday, general manager Rod Graves must be replaced, as well. Somers is reporting that vice president of player personnel Steve Keim is a "leading candidate," but that he'd received interest from the San Diego Chargers and Jacksonville Jaguars for a similar role in their organizations.

Rapid Reactions: The Cardinals emptied out their lockers on Monday, and as usual, that brought some interesting feedback.

“I don’t know,” safety Kerry Rhodes told Josh Weinfuss of about his return next year. “This organization has been great to me since I’ve been here. I want to be around this team and help these guys through this situation. I’ve been here three years and we haven’t made the playoffs. That’s tough. Just try to keep on going and keep going.”

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“I would love to be back here,” safety Rashad Johnson told Weinfuss. “I’ve been here for four years, had the opportunities to learn the system. Got an opportunity to grow, and I’d like to come back and take on whatever role they have for me. Hopefully it is a role of starter.”

“I’ve never been around a hand-grenade explosion, but I assume it’s a lot like that,” offensive guard Daryn Colledge told Weinfuss about the team's injury situation in 2012. “You go down that list and the guys who were injured on the offensive line, and to lose a guy like Pat again last night, it’s like, ‘Where does it stop?’ It’s one of those things where you check yourself at the end of the season and can’t believe you made it through. Hopefully, next year we can stay healthy.”

Fitz of frustration: Future Hall of Fame wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald took to his Facebook page to express his frustration about the season and the disappoinment he felt from the coaching change: 

"We all shoulder the blame for a disappointing season which began with such promise," Fitzgerald wrote. "A unique relationship with all of my coaches past and present is a valued life experience. I would like to thank them all, especially Coach Ken Whisenhunt and General Manager Rod Graves who gave me the opportunity to live my dream in the NFL. 

"Even in the midst of a tumultuous season, it was still a pleasure to work for the staff we served under, and for that, we remain grateful," he continued. "Their professionalism will provide for renewed accomplishments in different environs. We all, to a man, thank them and wish them the best."

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