Seahawks linebacker Bruce Irvin is set to play extensively in Thursday's preseason finale against the Raiders, according to the Seattle Times. Irvin will need to make that playing time count, as it will be the last time he takes the field for the Seahawks until Week 5, as he must open the season serving a four-game performance-enhancing drug suspension.

"I'm excited, but at the same time it's hard because I'm going to be gone from these guys for four weeks," Irvin said. "I'm just going to go out there and bust my tail and make them miss me when I'm gone."

Once Irvin returns, he will be playing a new position, one he doesn't have much experience working at. Irvin is making the move to outside linebacker, and Thursday will be his last chance to get game experience at the new position. He has been limited through the preseason by a groin injury, playing just seven snaps against the Packers last week.