Steve Blake has received death threats this week through Twitter. (Getty Images)
Here's today's reminder that some people are completely and totally awful. From ESPN: 

After the game, both the Twitter feeds of Blake and his wife, Kristen, were inundated with criticism ranging from curse word-laden rants to threats.

"I hope your family gets murdered," read one tweet that Kristen Blake re-tweeted along with a single comment: "Wow."

Kristen Blake also mentioned on her Twitter account that she blocked more than 500 people from viewing her timeline and quoted a Bible verse that included the message: "Pray for those who abuse you."

Steve Blake responded to the troublesome situation after Lakers practice on Thursday."Its pretty disappointing that there are a lot of hateful people out there, but you move on," Blake said. "I just dont appreciate it when its toward my family. You can come at me all you want but when you say things about my wife and my kids, that makes me upset."

via Steve Blake of Los Angeles Lakers and wife receive threats on Twitter - ESPN Los Angeles.

I'd like to second that "Wow."

Let's run this down:

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  1. Sending anyone death threats is stupid. 
  2. Sending anyone a death threat over a basketball game is stupid. 
  3. Sending anyone a death threat over a basketball game for missing a game-winning shot is stupid. 
  4. Sending anyone a death threat over a basketball game for missing a game-winning shot when he was wide open and didn't have time to pass was stupid.
  5. Again, sending anyone death threats is stupid.

There's just no reason for this kind of behavior, and the lack of perspective makes you question the very value of sports.

Something tells me had Kobe Bryant missed the game winner, he and his family would not be receiving the same treatment.