Players participating in the NBA's 2020 season restart have started to make it to the Orlando bubble that they will not be allowed to leave until their team's respective seasons come to an end. Though the idea behind this is to limit the spread of coronavirus, it's hard to blame anyone who might get some dystopian vibes from this set up.

What should have alleviated any concerns of this being a cynical cash grab is the multi-billion dollar enterprise taking good care of its workers as they uproot their lives and temporarily move into one of the country's COVID-19 hotbeds for the sake of the basketball-loving population's entertainment. But that didn't exactly happen when the meals of the players participating in the bubble came out.

First was an image from Troy Daniels of the Denver Nuggets, whose meal drew comparisons to the meals given out at the ill-fated Fyre Festival.

Luckily for those concerned about the players, not all of the meals looked this sad. Chris Chiozza of the Brooklyn Nets revealed a meal that had actual meat with it.

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Still, these don't exactly inspire a whole lot of confidence in terms what other amenities the players will have access to while in the bubble. I suppose to upside is that it's not as bad as the creepy rat-trap-filled laundry rooms, and non-draining-showers, that WNBA players have to use in their bubble.