It's the second annual Halloween Costume Contest here at Eye on Hockey (Anthony Stewart won the first contest), and with the lockout this year, some players had a lot more time to come up with something good. Others, though, are busy overseas and not into the Halloween spirit.

The costumes from NHLers range from classic to controversial (thanks, Tyler Bozak) and in the case of a few guys, downright lazy. In other words, they represent every costume party across the continent, particularly when you throw in Paulina Gretzky's "naughty" costume to finish the staple characters.

Without further ado, here is the 2012 Hockey Halloween Costume Contest. Don't forget to vote for your favorite.

Scott Hartnell on the left. (@Hartsy19)

We begin with Scott Hartnell, who went with the classic lumberjack look. The positives here? He already fits a good part of the look with that long, curly red hair and all-around gruff look. The negatives? It looks like he spent a total of two minutes thinking of what to wear, just digging through his closet (or perhaps he took a visit to the Goodwill).

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The baby ax is a small but necessary touch. Good thing he didn't have any instance of Hartnell Down with that by his stomach.

Zach Bogosian, right, sports the cowboy hat. (@Bogogo_44)

Here is Zach Bogosian (on the right) posing in his costume, which doesn't appear to be much of an outfit. The positives? Well, he didn't have to distort his face into something unrecognizable. The negatives? It seems a really easy way out.

But I don't want to say anything else negative seeing as how it's Bogosian and he's a monster of a man.

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Brandon Prust and his date look like they're headed to the sock hop. (@BrandonPrust8)

Here we have the great couple from Grease, Sandy Olsen and Danny Zuko, played not by John Travolta but new member of the Canadiens Brandon Prust. It's a good, clean look with a women's costume that doesn't actually just turn into glorified lingerie from a story that will forever be timeless. They get big bonus points for the old-school car to suit the double costume.

But really, Brandon, do we need to see that much chest hair? You already got the One That You Want; it's not like these are Summer Nights and the open shirt won't help you get away like Grease Lightning.

Cody Eakin poses in the middle of a hodgepodge of costumes. (@CodyEakin50)

Next we present new Dallas Stars forward Cody Eakin, he with the red hair in the middle of the picture. I'm not 100-percent positive here, but it looks like Eakin took advantage of his natural hair color and went the route of Chucky. The effort required here is at least minimal, so we won't dock him for that. The head to the side works well to give the deranged Chucky look. Could be worse.

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Now if he could only figure out how to make his head spin all the way around.

Henrik Lundqvist really likes New York. (@HLundqvist30)

That would be the King of New York, Henrik Lundqvist, and his wife in their homemade costumes of the Chrysler Building and Empire State Building. You probably don't need me to point it out, but I will anyway: Lundqvist is on the right.

The fact that this costume is homemade makes it an instant contender for me. They seem a bit silly but are actually quite funny -- at least to me. This could be a dark-horse entry.

Hey, Kassian, if you were a hot dog and you were starving, would you eat yourself? (

Here's Zack Kassian dressed up as a hot dog. Yup, just a hot dog.

This costume is incredibly easy to wear, it takes about 5 seconds to put on, just slide it on over your head. I could count that against Kassian if I didn't have the hot dog costume myself and I weren't wearing it to open the door for trick-or-treaters tonight. So in my book, good costume Zack!

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Tyler Bozak pays homage to M.J. but not without some controversy. (Jeffler)

It wouldn't be Halloween in the NHL without some player using blackface in his costume. We saw it last year with Raffi Torres dressing up as Jay-Z and two years ago when ... Bozak dressed as a member of the Jamaican bobsled team.

There are obviously a lot of racial connotations that come with blackface, and it's just best if people avoid it. That doesn't mean that anybody is calling Bozak racist, but it just seems a bit thoughtless. I couldn't possibly add more to the conversation than Jeffler already did here. It's just not a smart costume.

Daniel Winnik and Chris Campoli with a strong submission. (@DanWinnik34)

Here we have a two-for-one submission featuring both Chris Campoli and Daniel Winnik as old men. This one is, frankly, pretty darn awesome. I don't think they are supposed to be anybody in particular here, so if they are, excuse me. But just pulling off the old-man look was awesome in the execution department.

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The amount of time it took to get that makeup on is an impressive commitment, and they clearly either borrowed some of their grandpa's clothes or made a visit to a thrift store for the attire and Mr. Rodgers-esque sweater vest.

Aaron Palushaj's Buzz Lightyear costume is solid, even if it's a bit dated. (@AaronPalushaj)

Up next is Aaron Palushaj of the Montreal Canadiens and AHL Hamilton. He got together with a few pals and went Toy Story on us, suiting up as Buzz Lightyear.

While he might not have gone to infinity and beyond, it's a solid costume even if the original movie came out a long time ago. Some outfits will remain in play for a long, long time.

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Matt Calvert looks like he's out to get revenge. (@mattcalvert11)

Matt Calvert of the Columbus Blue Jackets and AHL Springfield teamed up with his date to go nerd. Credit where credit is due, they do a good job going all out with the costume from the excellent clothes, accessories, hair and pose. They earn bonus points for that.

Like the old men of Campoli and Winnik, I'm not sure if this is supposed to be any nerds specifically or just basic nerds, but it does seem like something out of Revenge of the Nerds. If so, all the better.

Paulina Gretzky as a cop. 'Nuff said. (Coed Magazine)

Lastly but certainly not least, we have the aforementioned Paulina Gretzky. Hey, she might not be a hockey player, but she's hockey royalty -- so she counts for this. Plus, she's kind of attractive.

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Given her past exploits, her costume this year (one of them, I should say) shouldn't surprise but it still, um, draws some attention. That would be the costume you can find at Party City known as Sexy Cop, I believe, complete with handcuffs and dark sunglasses like the cops in Texas.

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