Michal Jordan (47) suffered a pretty gruesome injury Wednesday night. (USATSI)

Warning: Post contains graphic image.

Carolina Hurricanes defenseman Michal Jordan suffered one of those injuries that happen often enough in hockey, but the visual is no less gruesome. The Czech defenseman with the familiar name suffered a broken or dislocated finger after getting his arm jammed in the boards while getting tangled up with Pittsburgh Penguins forward Chris Kunitz.

There's that old adage that hockey players are among the toughest athletes in the world, but what Jordan endured probably could not have been more painful. And did he ever look to be in discomfort. His left ring finger was essentially in half. Jordan lost his glove on the play and the end result was a visual that is absolutely not for the squeamish.

WARNING: If you do not do well with mangled body parts, this would be a good time to stop scrolling and just move right along. This is your final warning.

Photo via Reddit Hockey:


Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. No. No. No.

Jordan immediately went to the team’s dressing room after skating off the ice.

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UPDATE: Because hockey players are apparently crazy, he came back to the game after getting it popped back into place. Again, crazy.