Good old locker room ping-pong game. (Sacramento Bee)

OTAs are important, but they're not exactly the most exciting time of year, even for NFL players. So of course, they have to find some way to entertain themselves before, between or after sessions.

For San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and his new teammate, ex-rugby star Jarryd Hayne, that meant a game of ping-pong. We've got some video clips of that game courtesy of the Sacramento Bee below.

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As you can see in those Vines, Hayne is getting fancy, putting some spin on his shots, while Kaep is playing more of a straight power game, trying to hit forehand winners that Hayne can't quite get to. It appeared to be a rollicking, back-and-forth match, but in the end ...

(Sacramento Bee)