James Harrison is 39 years old and entering his 15th season, yet he remains one of the league's most efficient pass rushers.

His longevity is no accident; Harrison's workout regimen certainly plays a role, and that includes his version of beach volleyball. But instead of a regulation volleyball, he prefers a medicine ball.

Harrison and teammate Vince Williams go up against another teammate, Robert Golden and former Falcons linebacker Sean Weatherspoon. If this all sounds familiar, it should; Harrison, Williams, Golden and Ryan Shazier squared off two offseasons ago and again last summer.

And when Harrison isn't playing modified volleyball or terrorizing quarterbacks, he spends his offseason pushing 1,395 pounds like most of us push the lawn mower back to the garage after 30 minutes of cutting grass, or doing 135-pound one-handed shoulder presses, or  hip-pressing 528 pounds like he doesn't have a care in the world.

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