I think I've found my newest favorite sixth-round pick.

That would be 49ers cornerback Kenneth Acker, selected from SMU with the No. 180 overall pick.

He signed his four-year rookie contract on Friday, which normally would rate about a 0.5 on the 1-to-10 newsworthiness scale. But look at how Acker actually signed his deal, via the 49ers Twitter feed.

Kenneth Acker looks a little like William Shakespeare here. (49ers)

That's right. A quill pen (!!!).

Fortunately, Acker is not alone in wielding a quill pen. Look what safety Craig Dahl used in March of 2013 when he inked a deal with San Francisco.

And after Acker signed his contract, this is what Dahl tweeted (we assume to show his support for the retro-writing movement).

One of my sportswriting buddies tweeted me Friday evening to inquire about the possibilities of using a quill pen and ink pot to write during training camp this year. We agreed it'd probably be too messy to try, but that doesn't mean you yourself shouldn't acquire one. At $24.99, it might be more expensive than you thought, but then again, the value you get for being 16th century chic is priceless (even ol' Bill Shakespeare would agree with that notion).

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Please, please, let this trend continue.