Offensive lineman Jake Scott (73) joins the Eagles. This marks his third NFL team. (US Presswire)

Jake Scott saw what everybody in the NFL saw -- an Eagles’ offensive line that was battered and beaten and getting no respect.

So, when the Eagles called his number this week, Scott jumped at the chance to join his third NFL team and he was at practice on Wednesday as the Eagles prepared for Sunday’s game against the Washington Redskins.

Scott played with Indianapolis from 2004-2007 and with Tennessee from 2008-2011. He’s started 121 regular season games in his career -- including 51 straight with the Colts -- and nine playoff games. But when the Titans didn’t re-sign him this year, Scott stayed at his home in Nashville and waited for his phone to ring.

The Eagles finally called, but Scott said his agent had been in touch with a few other teams that were also looking for o-line help. But he saw the Eagles’ situation and his mind was made up.

“I was picky,’’ Scott said. “I wanted to be in a place where I had a chance to play. I wanted to pick the right situation and I think this is it. I think I have a chance to play here and I think I have a chance to help this team.”

The Eagles have been moving around pieces on their o-line now that right guard Danny Watkins is back after missing three games with an ankle sprain. Rookie Dennis Kelly replaced him and now it appears Kelly will replace either Demetress Bell or King Dunlap and be the starting right tackle on Sunday.

Scott said he doesn’t know if he’ll play or even suit up on Sunday as he tried to find a role with his new team.

“That’s my job now,’’ he said. “They brought me in to help the offensive line, but nobody has said what that means exactly. But whatever they want, I’ll be ready for it.”

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