New Dallas Cowboys defensive end Greg Hardy just cannot manage to stay out of trouble. The domestic violence allegations are well known. He was suspended 10 games for them already. On the first day of offseason activities, he got into a verbal altercation with teammate Davon Coleman (which may or may not be a big deal, but still isn't a good look for Hardy, who is under such a spotlight).

And now, he's taken to Twitter to make an incredibly tasteless joke about an awful event in American history. Responding to a tweet that referred to Panthers wide receivers Kelvin Benjamin and Devin Funchess (drafted Fridat night) as "The Twin Towers," Hardy responded with the following tweet:

There is, quite simply, nothing funny about the events of September 11, 2001, and Hardy intimating otherwise is poor form. It seems pretty likely this tweet will be deleted soon, but that won't change the fact that people have already seen it, and that it's another mistake from a player who can't afford any more of them.

Dallas' new defensive end tweeted something unwise. (Getty Images)