Is Sheed through? (Getty Images)

Rasheed Wallace's return to the NBA was celebrated. The NBA felt more fun with the cries of "Sheeeeed!" when he hit a three in Madison Square Garden, when he was picking up techs and screaming "Ball don't lie!" 

But after experiencing foot pain in December, Wallace has been held out, and now ESPN New York reports that:

As the uncertainty surrounding Rasheed Wallace's left foot injury lingers, members of the New York Knicks organization fear Wallace will be out for an extended period, possibly for the entire season, two league sources told

Wallace has been out since Dec. 15 with a stress reaction in his left foot.

Knicks coach Mike Woodson said last week that he hoped Wallace would begin running this week, but he told reporters in London on Wednesday that Wallace, 38, has yet to do so.

"He'll be back -- but when, I don't know," Woodson said. "We're gradually trying to get him back where he can run again so he can get back in a uniform. But when, we don't know when yet."

via New York Knicks fear Rasheed Wallace could miss rest of season, according to sources - ESPN New York.

If Sheed is out for the year, expect the Knicks to pursue Chris "Birdman" Andersen or Kenyon Martin, in a continuation of their obsession with veterans whose prime was five-to-six years ago. 

And if Sheed really is done, we'll miss him again and wonder what could have been. The NBA lights are a little bit dmmer without him doing Sheed things.