If you had Blake Griffin, Manu Ginobili or James Harden in your office pool, tough luck. Your first victims of the NBA's new flopping rules: Donald Sloan and J.J. Barea.

The NBA announced via it's NBA Officials section that both Barea and Sloan have been warned for flopping. The first violation results in a warning, the second a $5,000 fine, the third a $10,000 fine, the fourth a $15,000 fine and the fifth a $30,000 fine with any subsequent violations possibly resulting in a suspension.

Barea got caught exaggerating from a swinging left arm from Jimmer Fredette while Sloan, well, I'm not sure what Sloan was doing.

Both flops were very clear violations of the league's rules -- and exactly the type of plays that the NBA is trying to eliminate, for very good reason.

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The league is making an effort to stop foul simulation with the new rules, and part of the deterrent being the public shaming that comes with being outed for it. Next time for Sloan and Barea though, it hits their wallets.