The last time we saw future Hall-of-Famer Ray Allen on an NBA court, he was still looking pretty good. This was back in 2014 with the Heat facing the Spurs. That team was falling apart, but Allen himself was still spry and looked athletic. Nonetheless, after LeBron James walked away to the Cavaliers, Allen decided not to follow him and just hung it up. It's been two years.

Now it sounds like Allen might be staging a comeback. reported Tuesday that Allen's reps have reached out to the Cavaliers about a possible return, while ESPN reports the star has also expressed interest in the Clippers, Spurs ... and Warriors.

Ray Allen could be making a comeback. USATSI

You know, because the Warriors really need more shooting. That's definitely what they're short on.

Allen, who will be turning 41 on July 20, has always prided himself on the condition he kept himself in, which is part of what helped him to be such a pivotal player later in his career. The fact that Allen has reached out to multiple teams shows that this is more than a passing interest. You float the idea to one team if you're thinking about it. You float it to multiple teams if you're serious about creating a market for yourself.

The Warriors could use him to bolster their second unit with Ian Clarke likely gone. The Clippers always need players who were good in 2010. The Cavaliers would just be adding another guy LeBron loves who can make 3s which is kind of their entire team identity. The Spurs could use him the most, given their problems with spacing the floor.

Allen may have been gone from the game too long, and too long in the tooth, to make an impact, but he's going to get interest. He's probably the third-best shooter of all time. That's going to get eyeballs.