Player Stats - Scoring

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Minutes Per Game
Points Per Game
Field Goals Made
Field Goals Attempted
Field Goal Percentage
Three-Point Field Goals Made
Three-Point Field Goals Attempted
Three-Point Field Goal Percentage
Free Throws Made
Free Throws Attempted
Free Throw Percentage
D. Allen-Eikens G De'Sean Allen-Eikens G 33 33 33.6 18.8 209 434 48.2 35 97 36.1 167 225 74.2
K. Jones F Keonte Jones F 34 31 29.4 11.4 141 263 53.6 14 42 33.3 93 144 64.6
D. Bostick G Dionte Bostick G 34 34 33.7 15.4 196 440 44.5 49 143 34.3 83 120 69.2
M. Fofana F Mahmoud Fofana F 31 12 21.8 5.1 64 138 46.4 3 19 15.8 28 55 50.9
G. Hunt G Gianni Hunt G 23 21 31.8 10.2 81 234 34.6 35 122 28.7 37 53 69.8
D. Tucker F Dearon Tucker F 33 18 13.9 4.0 53 114 46.5 0 0 26 44 59.1
J. Sangha F Jasman Sangha F 32 7 14.8 6.4 89 157 56.7 1 2 50.0 27 38 71.1
B. Ndjonga F Bryan Ndjonga F 32 0 11.2 3.0 32 82 39.0 14 46 30.4 17 29 58.6
J. Barnett G Jared Barnett G 32 6 14.7 2.1 25 91 27.5 7 32 21.9 10 19 52.6
J. Brinson G Jordan Brinson G 12 8 26.3 8.2 40 93 43.0 7 34 20.6 11 17 64.7
K. Frelow F Kyle Frelow F 19 0 4 1.4 10 19 52.6 0 0 7 13 53.8
Team 34 75.0 940 2065 45.5 165 537 30.7 506 757 66.8
Opponents 34 73.6 825 2037 40.5 294 908 32.4 559 764 73.2

Player Stats - Defense

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Offensive Rebounds
Defensive Rebounds
Total Rebounds
Rebounds Per Game
Total Steals
Steals Per Game
Total Blocks
Blocks Per Game
K. Jones F Keonte Jones F 34 31 45 188 233 6.9 55 1.60 50 1.50
M. Fofana F Mahmoud Fofana F 31 12 66 108 174 5.6 26 0.80 13 0.40
D. Allen-Eikens G De'Sean Allen-Eikens G 33 33 63 113 176 5.3 34 1.00 7 0.20
J. Brinson G Jordan Brinson G 12 8 7 50 57 4.8 14 1.20 4 0.30
G. Hunt G Gianni Hunt G 23 21 16 85 101 4.4 26 1.10 5 0.20
D. Bostick G Dionte Bostick G 34 34 31 104 135 4.0 49 1.40 7 0.20
D. Tucker F Dearon Tucker F 33 18 47 72 119 3.6 8 0.20 11 0.30
J. Barnett G Jared Barnett G 32 6 6 71 77 2.4 17 0.50 1 0.00
J. Sangha F Jasman Sangha F 32 7 28 46 74 2.3 9 0.30 7 0.20
B. Ndjonga F Bryan Ndjonga F 32 0 13 39 52 1.6 9 0.30 8 0.30
K. Frelow F Kyle Frelow F 19 0 8 18 26 1.4 6 0.30 1 0.10
Team 34 402 960 1500 44.1 253 7.40 114 3.40
Opponents 34 343 844 1335 39.3 271 8.00 117 3.40

Player Stats - Assists/Turnovers

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Total Assists
Assists Per Game
Turnovers Per Game
Assists Per Turnover
G. Hunt G Gianni Hunt G 23 21 93 4.0 59 2.6 1.6
J. Brinson G Jordan Brinson G 12 8 44 3.7 18 1.5 2.4
J. Barnett G Jared Barnett G 32 6 77 2.4 40 1.3 1.9
D. Allen-Eikens G De'Sean Allen-Eikens G 33 33 75 2.3 105 3.2 0.7
K. Jones F Keonte Jones F 34 31 75 2.2 64 1.9 1.2
D. Bostick G Dionte Bostick G 34 34 59 1.7 72 2.1 0.8
M. Fofana F Mahmoud Fofana F 31 12 21 0.7 28 0.9 0.8
B. Ndjonga F Bryan Ndjonga F 32 0 12 0.4 23 0.7 0.5
K. Frelow F Kyle Frelow F 19 0 6 0.3 2 0.1 3.0
D. Tucker F Dearon Tucker F 33 18 7 0.2 28 0.8 0.3
J. Sangha F Jasman Sangha F 32 7 3 0.1 32 1.0 0.1
Team 34 472 13.9 481 14.1 1.0
Opponents 34 484 14.2 455 13.4 1.1
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