Player Stats - Scoring

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Minutes Per Game
Points Per Game
Field Goals Made
Field Goals Attempted
Field Goal Percentage
Three-Point Field Goals Made
Three-Point Field Goals Attempted
Three-Point Field Goal Percentage
Free Throws Made
Free Throws Attempted
Free Throw Percentage
P. Brooks II F Pierre Brooks II F 33 33 32.9 14.8 181 397 45.6 80 197 40.6 45 65 69.2
J. Telfort F Jahmyl Telfort F 33 33 34.8 13.9 173 398 43.5 36 110 32.7 77 91 84.6
D. Davis G DJ Davis G 33 33 29.4 13.5 142 331 42.9 67 191 35.1 95 100 95.0
P. Alexander G Posh Alexander G 32 32 31.9 11.3 128 296 43.2 30 90 33.3 75 96 78.1
J. Thomas C Jalen Thomas C 33 33 22.5 7.7 107 192 55.7 8 25 32.0 32 41 78.0
A. Screen C Andre Screen C 33 0 12.8 5.2 69 119 58.0 0 0 35 59 59.3
F. Bizjack G Finley Bizjack G 33 0 14.9 4.2 46 120 38.3 20 74 27.0 26 33 78.8
C. Turnbull F Connor Turnbull F 9 0 11.6 4.1 14 27 51.9 6 14 42.9 3 3 100.0
L. Moore G Landon Moore G 33 1 15.7 3.8 40 105 38.1 19 51 37.3 25 33 75.8
B. Kapke F Boden Kapke F 22 0 7 2.0 15 31 48.4 7 17 41.2 8 11 72.7
E. McComb G Ethan McComb G 8 0 1.9 1.4 3 3 100.0 3 3 100.0 2 2 100.0
A. Cassia F Augusto Cassia F 15 0 3.3 0.6 4 14 28.6 0 5 0.0 1 1 100.0
J. Mulloy F John-Michael Mulloy F 8 0 1.5 0.0 0 1 0.0 0 0 0 0
A. Gavalas G Artemios Gavalas G 7 0 1 0.0 0 2 0.0 0 1 0.0 0 1 0.0
Team 33 77.1 922 2036 45.3 276 778 35.5 424 536 79.1
Opponents 33 73.7 921 2094 44.0 251 777 32.3 339 459 73.9

Player Stats - Defense

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Offensive Rebounds
Defensive Rebounds
Total Rebounds
Rebounds Per Game
Total Steals
Steals Per Game
Total Blocks
Blocks Per Game
J. Thomas C Jalen Thomas C 33 33 53 150 203 6.2 14 0.40 41 1.20
J. Telfort F Jahmyl Telfort F 33 33 36 126 162 4.9 33 1.00 16 0.50
P. Alexander G Posh Alexander G 32 32 53 94 147 4.6 71 2.20 4 0.10
A. Screen C Andre Screen C 33 0 47 100 147 4.5 4 0.10 18 0.50
P. Brooks II F Pierre Brooks II F 33 33 21 110 131 4.0 16 0.50 8 0.20
D. Davis G DJ Davis G 33 33 9 95 104 3.2 36 1.10 2 0.10
C. Turnbull F Connor Turnbull F 9 0 4 16 20 2.2 5 0.60 16 1.80
B. Kapke F Boden Kapke F 22 0 7 31 38 1.7 2 0.10 1 0.00
L. Moore G Landon Moore G 33 1 4 39 43 1.3 12 0.40 0 0.00
F. Bizjack G Finley Bizjack G 33 0 2 36 38 1.2 9 0.30 2 0.10
A. Cassia F Augusto Cassia F 15 0 5 8 13 0.9 1 0.10 2 0.10
J. Mulloy F John-Michael Mulloy F 8 0 0 3 3 0.4 1 0.10 0 0.00
E. McComb G Ethan McComb G 8 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.00 0 0.00
A. Gavalas G Artemios Gavalas G 7 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0.00 0 0.00
Team 33 308 854 1275 38.6 204 6.20 110 3.30
Opponents 33 350 837 1275 38.6 240 7.30 136 4.10

Player Stats - Assists/Turnovers

Player on team
Games played
Games started
Total Assists
Assists Per Game
Turnovers Per Game
Assists Per Turnover
E. McComb G Ethan McComb G 8 0 0 0.0 1 0.1 0.0
J. Mulloy F John-Michael Mulloy F 8 0 2 0.3 1 0.1 2.0
A. Gavalas G Artemios Gavalas G 7 0 0 0.0 1 0.1 0.0
B. Kapke F Boden Kapke F 22 0 6 0.3 5 0.2 1.2
A. Cassia F Augusto Cassia F 15 0 1 0.1 3 0.2 0.3
C. Turnbull F Connor Turnbull F 9 0 2 0.2 3 0.3 0.7
F. Bizjack G Finley Bizjack G 33 0 29 0.9 17 0.5 1.7
A. Screen C Andre Screen C 33 0 11 0.3 20 0.6 0.6
L. Moore G Landon Moore G 33 1 42 1.3 26 0.8 1.6
J. Thomas C Jalen Thomas C 33 33 25 0.8 27 0.8 0.9
P. Brooks II F Pierre Brooks II F 33 33 38 1.2 51 1.5 0.7
D. Davis G DJ Davis G 33 33 87 2.6 53 1.6 1.6
J. Telfort F Jahmyl Telfort F 33 33 100 3.0 55 1.7 1.8
P. Alexander G Posh Alexander G 32 32 156 4.9 88 2.8 1.8
Team 33 499 15.1 361 10.9 1.4
Opponents 33 448 13.6 380 11.5 1.2
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